Joys and Concerns

Week of July 21st:


  • Marilyn Freeman, who is waiting for medical test results to come back.
  • Harold Freeman, who was in the ER last Friday, he is back home.
  • Ukraine
  • Israel
  • Diane Gelhaus, who has been having several medical issues
  • Peggy Larson, and her continued health issue
  • Linda Bell, who is in hospice care


  • Thank you to Pastor Martha for being with us the next few months.
  • Thank you to Jim Brown for doing the announcements.
  • Happy birthday:
    • Tyler Rasmussen
    • Sally Bond
    • Molly Rothman
  • Happy anniversary:
    • Dan & Georginne Dodd
    • Greg & Martha Fletcher
    • Travis & Katie Schellhorn
    • Thomas & Nikki Thompson

Week of July 14th:


  • the family of Mary Klotzbach, who has passed away.
  • Marilyn Freeman, who is waiting for medical test results to come back.
  • Ukraine
  • Israel
  • Diane Gelhaus, who has been having several medical issues
  • Peggy Larson, and her continued health issue
  • Linda Bell, who is in hospice care


  • Thank you to Pastor Martha for being with us the next few months.
  • Thank you to Jim Brown for doing the announcements.
  • Happy birthday:
    • Cindy Walton
    • Bret Adams
  • Happy anniversary:
    • Josh & Wendy Troutman

Week of July 7th:


  • the family of Alan Bowers, who has passed away
  • the family of Ron Melick, who has passed away
  • the family of Marna Hancock, who has passed away
  • Ukraine
  • Israel
  • Diane Gelhaus, who has been having several medical issues
  • Peggy Larson, and her continued health issue
  • Janet Larson, who is having medical tests
  • Linda Bell, who is in hospice care
  • the family of Mary Klotzbach, who has passed away.
  • Marilyn Freeman, who is waiting for medical test results to come back.


  • Thank you to Pastor Martha for being with us the next few months.
  • Thank you to Jim Brown for doing the announcements and the joys and concerns on Sunday.
  • Thank you to Carol Kress for filling in during the month of June on Sundays and visiting those in the hospital.
  • The Independence community band did well at their concert on July 4th.
  • Happy birthday:
    • Pam Dryml
    • Kurt Ehlers